Abraçando a complexidade com criatividade em sessões de Product DiscoveryUma viagem por diversas técnicas de Product Discovery de um produto complexo.Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
Are Business Guilds, Communities of Practice, or Chapter Meetings worthwhile?A journey through meetings with people with different purposes and thoughts, but who share the same interest, passion, or professional…Aug 16, 2020Aug 16, 2020
Happiness Door for the continuous improvement of meetingsA practical and quick way to measure participants’ feelings during meetings.Aug 16, 2020Aug 16, 2020
Focusing on goals through OKRsHow the implementation of OKRs helped to maintain focus (and control) on the team’s goals.Aug 15, 2020Aug 15, 2020
Kudo Cards to express gratitude and recognize talentsHow to implement a light and different way of giving and receiving positive feedbacks? How to promote the recognition of good attitudes?Aug 15, 2020Aug 15, 2020
Team Competency Matrix for Product Owner’s maternity leaveHow I used the Team Competency Matrix as a tool to distribute Product Owner’s tasks during her maternity leave.Aug 15, 2020Aug 15, 2020
Moving Motivators promoting self-knowledge and empathyLearn about this self-knowledge tool, personal retrospective and management of professional expectations and motivations.Aug 9, 2020Aug 9, 2020
Personal Maps as a Team Building strategyHow Personal Maps kicked off the building of a well-connected and purposeful team.Aug 9, 2020Aug 9, 2020
Business Guilds, Community of practice ou Reunião de Capítulos, valem a pena?Uma jornada por reuniões com pessoas com propósitos e pensamentos diferentes, mas que compartilham o mesmo interesse, paixão ou área de…Aug 7, 2020Aug 7, 2020
Happiness Door para melhoria contínua de reuniõesUm jeito prático e rápido de medir o sentimento dos participantes em reuniões.Jul 26, 20201Jul 26, 20201